Planning Your Marketing for 2024

I always enter a new year with grand ideas, but one thing I’ve learned is that nothing happens without a specific plan. January is a great time to take stock of your online activities and put measures in place for the coming months.  Here are a few things to think about:  Your Website Very few […]

Four ways to develop a quality following on Instagram


It’s summer, and many of us are either on vacation or in vacation mode. So rather than give some labour-intensive marketing advice this month, I’d like to talk about growing your following on Instagram. Unless you’re in the pool, your phone is probably close by!  One way to develop a quality following on Instagram being […]

Time Saving Tips for Summer Marketing

Hello Summer

It’s important for your marketing to be consistent. Your clients and prospects are on their phones and laptops, even at the cottage! With the fall market approaching, now’s not the time to hit pause and take a break.

Apple’s upcoming Mail Privacy will affect your email marketing

Email marketing is often the cornerstone of a small business owner’s online marketing plan. Among the many reasons is the ability to know and track how many people have opened your email, where and how. However, the new Apple privacy changes will have an effect on the accuracy of your statistics going forward. Apple has […]

Facebook vs Instagram

Facebook VS Instagram

I’m often asked by business owners if they should be on Facebook or Instagram or both and the answer is a solid “it depends”.  Although Instagram is just six years younger than Facebook, it seems to be the platform more people are talking about than Facebook. but that doesn’t mean Facebook is disappearing. There are still […]