4 Common Social Media Mistakes

4 common social media mistakesa

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and even TikTok are where your clients and prospects are spending time, so it makes sense to be visible on these channels. A number of realtors I’ve spoken with are paralyzed by the fear of doing something wrong or convinced that they’re not doing a good job when it comes to sharing on social media. However, we are our own worst critics. If you are posting on social media, even semi-regularly, I can promise you you’re doing a lot better than you think! 

Consider checking out what your competition is putting out there. You can see, by the level of engagement they are getting, what is working for them and what isn’t. 

Here are the four mistakes I see realtors making on social media:

1. Having incomplete or outdated profiles

Make sure your accounts are as complete as possible. Switch into your Facebook Business page and go to the About tab. Make sure everything is filled out – there may be some new fields that weren’t there before! 

On LinkedIn, your employment information should be up to date, especially if you’ve recently changed careers or brokerages. 

Instagram: Update your bio and include any links you want to share – you can now include up to 5 links. 

All three platforms: Choose a username that’s available on all three channels. It makes it easier for people to follow you. For instance, we are @MBDCTO on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and even YouTube. Make sure your preferred username is available on all platforms, then you can update it. 

Have an up-to-date headshot. You want people to recognize you in real life. Use the same photo on all platforms. 

Your Facebook and LinkedIn banners should be sharp, if you need help, here’s a guide to social media sizes and I also recommend Canva. 

2. Selling all the time 

People use social media to connect with friends and family, read the news and generally be distracted (I can’t be the only one who does the occasional Buzzfeed quiz). I subscribe to the 80/20 rule. 80% of what you post should be interesting, informative or entertaining. If you’re providing something of value, people will pay attention. If all you’re doing is selling, people will tune out. Plus, if you’re doing it right, you’ll get more clicks on your listings, which is good information to pass on to your sellers.

3. Posting too infrequently or too often

Pace yourself so you’re not leaving large gaps of time between posts or posting so often people get tired of hearing from you. Facebook has a scheduling tool built in, but you can also use software like Hootsuite or Later, both of which allow you to schedule a number of pieces to go out over a period of time. 

4. Not interacting

When people take the time to comment on a post or send you a message, follow up as quickly as you can; definitely within one business day! The easiest way to stay on top of this is to ensure notifications are enabled on your phone. One of the goals of social media is to help you start conversations and if you’re not responding to people, you could be missing opportunities. 

The key to success on social media is both consistency and good content. If you’re struggling with either of these things, please get in touch – we’d love to help! [email protected] / 416 275 7916


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